The Early Career Innovator of the Year award recognizes Ohio State researchers who are early in their career actively working to promote commercialization of university intellectual property, through invention disclosure
As Ohio State continues to expand its role in the commercialization of research, it is important to create an environment that facilitates and rewards research creativity and entrepreneurship.
As Ohio State continues to expand its role in the commercialization of research, it is important to create an environment that facilitates and rewards research creativity and entrepreneurship.
Ohio State’s Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) has been awarded an $18 million, six-year Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) grant from the National Science Foundation.
Ann Hamilton, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Art at Ohio State, is a contemporary artist internationally known for her large-scale multimedia installations, public projects, and performance collaborations.
Clark Larsen, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Ohio State, is a biological anthropologist whose research focuses on the history of the human condition viewed from the perspective of health, q
Krzysztof Stanek, Distinguished Scholar and professor with the Department of Astronomy at Ohio State, is known for his research on the explosive deaths of massive stars.