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Research Administration Tools

Building Your Research Program

Ohio Innovation Exchange

Access more than 13,000 faculty and 600 resources from campuses and laboratories around the state, with a mission to facilitate collaboration between Ohio’s leading academic and business minds.

SPIN Funding Opportunities Database

A funding opportunity database that provides information on over 40,000 distinct funding opportunities from more than 10,000 global sponsors. Create customized searches that generate daily email funding alerts based on research interests.

Research Funding and Awards

The Office of Research facilitates the internal nomination process for certain types of funding opportunities to ensure compliance with the sponsor's guidelines, support our faculty research efforts, and promote scholarship and external recognition.

Research Responsibilities and Compliance


Buck-IRB is the electronic system used for the submission and review of exempt and Institutional Review Board (IRB) research performed by Ohio State investigators. Buck-IRB streamlines the exempt and IRB submission processes for investigators.


All Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) protocols, amendments, annual reviews, and requests for personnel changes should be submitted in the e-Protocol system.

eCOI Disclosure Form

The eCOI Disclosure Process serves as the common disclosure form for multiple policies administered by the Office of Research Compliance, the Office of University Compliance and Integrity, and the Wexner Medical Center Compliance Office. Disclosure is required in addition to obtaining pre-approval for all outside activities under Office of Academic Affairs (for Faculty) and Office of Human Resources (for Staff) policies.

Bayh-Dole Certification

The Bayh-Dole Act is federal legislation that permits universities that receive federal funding to own IP and inventions that result from the research. Ohio State faculty, staff and students that work on federal grants need to sign an agreement stating that any intellectual property that comes out of federally-sponsored research is assigned to Ohio State.


iThenticate is an anti-plagiarism software for use in screening scholarly research documents for possible copied or plagiarized text. Any Ohio State faculty, staff, student, or associate can use iThenticate. First, create an account using your Ohio State credentials. The system is configured to sync with any changes to your account and any reports generated are maintained on the iThenticate's servers. 


Ohio State requires all faculty, staff and students eligible to conduct research at Ohio State to be trained in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). All research eligible individuals must take the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative “CITI” RCR course. This requirement is in addition to any other RCR training.


LabArchives is a cloud-based electronic lab notebook that is safe and secure, allowing principal investigators, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, lab managers, staff and collaborators (both internal and external) to create, save, share, and retain research data. Researchers can store any type of data classified as S1-S3 (Public – Private). LabArchives is accessed using your Ohio State credentials.

Online Risk Assessment Tool

The IBC requires that all personnel working under BSL-2 or BSL-3 procedures enroll in the Occupational Health Program by completing an initial risk assessment via the Online Risk Assessment Tool (ORAT). Risk assessments should be updated as work-related responsibilities change.

User Profile (Study Team Lookup)

All investigators and key personnel engaged in human subjects research, animal use research, or biohazardous material research must be appropriately trained related to the research they are conducting. The Researcher Profile application provides an easy way to look up an individual's training records as they relate to each of the safety committees.


Signet is an electronic consent tool developed by the Office of Research that integrates with the Buck-IRB tool. Users can create a consent form from scratch or use one of the built-in templates. The tool includes an electronic signature feature that meets university requirements for legally binding electronic signatures. Access is restricted to Ohio State investigators listed on an IRB protocol. If you would like to use the tool, email

Proposal Development and Submission

Limited submission opportunities

Limited submission opportunities are defined as those requiring an institutional nomination due to sponsor restrictions regarding the number of proposals a university may submit or based on a strategic decision to internally coordinate submissions to avoid competing with ourselves. These guidelines describe the identification, review and institutional nomination procedures for limited submission opportunities.


Prior to submitting a proposal, the principal investigator (PI) must complete the Authorization to Seek Off-Campus Funds (ePA-005). Once completed, the ‘form’ is automatically routed for signature and approvals. The fully approved ePA-005 is the Office of Sponsored Program’s authorization from the department and college to submit the proposal.


Cayuse is a system-to-system web-based tool for most federal/ proposal submissions. The major exception is that NSF proposals are submitted through is the website used by federal agencies to post funding opportunities and for investigators to find and apply for an opportunity.


NSF’s website through which investigators and their institutions can prepare and submit proposals and then manage awards.

NIH Commons

National Institutes of Health (NIH) uses the eRA Commons, as its online interface for investigators and institutions to access and share administrative information relating to research grants.

Award Management

PI Portal

The PI Portal provides principal investigators and their staff with online access to award financial information. Access to the Portal is restricted to principal investigators and co-investigators with activated Ohio State credentials.

e-Activity in Tableau

e-Activity is a reporting tool that provides access to proposal, award and expenditure activity. 

Workday Grants Reporting

Reports are integrated into all aspects of using Workday. Access a report directly by searching for the report name or keyword, and find reports built into dashboards and embedded in business processes.


e-Cert provides a read-only link to effort reports not certified in Peoplesoft. Effort Certification is now done in Workday.