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Research Misconduct

Avoiding Plagiarism

Research misconduct applies to all stages of research, including proposing, performing, and reviewing research, and reporting research results.

Plagiarism is defined under the federal regulations and in the Ohio State’s research misconduct policy as “the appropriation of the ideas, processes, results, or words of another person, without giving appropriate credit.” Plagiarism is a growing concern in both the academic and scientific research realms and needs to be avoided at all costs. 

Tools are available to screen documents for copied text to ensure that all content is properly cited and to ensure originality of the content. Ohio State licenses an anti-plagiarism software, iThenticate, for use by Ohio State faculty, staff, students. 

Inside Thompson Library
Plagiarism Prevention Software


Additional Information

For questions regarding the misconduct policy, or issues pertaining to misconduct in science or scholarly activities contact:

Senior Director, Research Integrity Officer

Bridget Carruthers

Associate Vice President for Research Integrity and Investigations

Julia Behnfeldt