Questions to Ask
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) suggests some questions to ask before agreeing to participate in a research study:
- How many other people are in the study?
- Will there be any costs for me?
- Will my records be kept private?
- What will happen at the end of the study?
- Will I get a copy of the study results?
- Will I still get paid even if I leave the study early?
- Will there be follow-up?
OHRP’s brochure called “Becoming a Research Volunteer”, available in both English and Spanish versions, can be found in Videos and Brochures or by visiting

Why I Believe in Research
This digital story is about Barbara Beckwith, a former research participant and member of the Cancer Institutional Review Board. Barbara, a two-time cancer survivor, was passionate about spreading the word on cancer research to the African American and senior citizen communities. Take a few moments to hear Barbara’s interesting story in her own words.

Informational Videos
These short videos provide basic information about human research, including clinical trials, medical research, and other kinds of research. Potential research volunteers will understand how research works, what questions to ask, and things to think about when deciding whether to participate in a study.