The federal government continues to express concerns regarding the lack of appropriate security controls relating to universities’ research activities. This is leading to additional security-related regulatory requirements from federal funding agencies, as well as increased scrutiny from federal law enforcement agencies. While Ohio State values open, competitive research, in recognition of the government’s concerns and to ensure we are constantly evaluating our internal efforts, the Office of Research and the Office of University Compliance and Integrity have established the Research Security Governance Board.
This board is assessing the university’s current research security posture and will develop and implement improvement plans to physical and information security controls. It is also evaluating Ohio State’s procedures related to foreign affiliations, foreign business agreements, and global engagements and is developing an approval process for efficiently and equitably vetting international opportunities. The board has convened a number of workgroups to help in this important work. If you have an interest in participating or learning more about a workgroup, please contact a workgroup chair directly.
Please continue to check this site for progress updates on the board and its workgroups’ activities.
Board Members
Peter Mohler
Co-Chair, Executive Vice President for Research, Innovation and Knowledge
Gates Garrity-Rokous
Co-Chair, Associate Vice President and Senior Associate General Counsel
Mark Benotti
Interim Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Business and Finance
Ginger Breon
Interim Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Cynthia Carnes
Senior Associate Vice President for Research Operations
Kristi Hoge
Director, Employee and Labor Relations, Office of Human Resources
Chris Jaroniec
Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Creative Inquiry
Becky Kaufman
Associate Vice President and Senior Associate General Counsel
Kevin King
Senior Director of Finance and IT, Administration and Planning
Cathann Kress
Vice President and Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Monica Moll
Director, Department of Public Safety
Brian Newell
Director, Internal Audit
Stacy Rastauskas
Vice President for Government Affairs
Kaya Sahin
Vice Provost for Global Strategies and International Affairs
Seth Weinberg
Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering
Aylin Yener
Professor, College of Engineering (RSGB Core Faculty Group)

Administration and Oversight
The Administration and Oversight will conduct a baseline assessment of additional security measures (both physical and information) that Ohio State has agreed to with sponsors. This group will also define a process for future review and approvals for any non-standard requirements.
Chair: Jim Giuliani
Director, Office of Secure Research
Culture and Change Management
Identifying strategies for clear communications and messaging this initiative. Need to make sure people are prepared for changes coming out of this governance board activities. Take the pulse of the university, help with responses, define what our values are related to international collaboration and engagement.
Chair: Cynthia Carnes
Senior Associate Vice President for Research Operations
Information Security and Data Sharing
The Information Security workgroup will document the current state of information security management for highest-risk research, identify gaps in compliance requirements, and create recommendations for improvements. Areas of focus are: standards and processes; technology strategies for restricted research services; governance and oversight processes; security training and awareness; and research data inventories.
Chair: Rich Nagle
Chief Information Security Officer
International Engagements and Business Partnerships
The International Engagements and Business Partnerships workgroup is charged with identifying varying international agreement types; identifying inconsistencies in international agreement notification and approval processes; and recommending consistent processes to overcome the identified inconsistencies. This group will also ensure continuity with the Office of Advancement relating to international gifts to the university.
Chair: Elizabeth Angerman
Program Manager, International Programs Specialist, International Affairs
International Travel
The International Travel workgroup is charged with establishing processes to ensure that individuals traveling to certain locations or that may have sensitive research receive travel briefings including physical and informational security, and are knowledgeable about how to secure information.
Chair: Jim Giuliani (interim)
Director, Office of Secure Research
Licensing University Intellectual Property
The Licensing University Intellectual Property workgroup is charged with establishing processes for reviewing and approving licensing of or transferring Ohio State intellectual property to external foreign parties.
Chair: David Mess
Director, Intellectual Property and Contracts / Interim Executive Director of Licensing
Physical Security
The Physical Security workgroup is charged with defining a baseline for all research sites, including sensitive research sites requiring a range of additional security measures.
Chair: Mark Conselyea
Associate Vice President for Facilities Operations and Development
Regulatory and Legislative Affairs
The Regulatory and Legislative Affairs workgroup is charged with reviewing new and pending legislation and regulations related to research security and provides feedback to the RSGB on the potential impact to Ohio State’s research activities.
Co-Chair: Stan Skocki
Associate VP for Government Affairs – Federal Relations
Visitors to Campus
The Visitors to Campus workgroup is charged with establishing a uniform process for internal notification, processing and approval for visiting scholars, high-level international visitors or delegations, including foreign governmental representatives. This group will work to identify the controls necessary to ensure appropriate security protocols are in place.
Chair: Maureen Miller
Director of Communications, Office of International Affairs