About Us
The Office of Research Information Systems (ORIS) group provides electronic research administration tools to the Ohio State enterprise. We are dedicated to a singular goal of making the business of doing research as streamlined as possible for both research administration staff and researchers themselves.
Comprised of 4 internal units - application development, reporting and analytics, servers/networking, and service desk - ORIS delivers and supports end-to-end system lifecycles for research administration needs.
Services Offered
Application and Website Development
ORIS develops, administers, and documents over two dozen applications, including Conflict of Interest (COI), Study Management (e-Protocol, Buck-IRB), Animal Operations (Allentown), Grants Financials Reporting (PI Portal), and Electronic Informed Consent (Signet). We offer custom application and website development services for projects that enhance the Ohio State research ecosystem. Data integrations from these applications can also be made available for use in other Ohio State systems.
Data Integration, Reporting and Analytics
The ORIS Data Integration, Reporting and Analytics team consumes and consolidates data from multiple sources into a single unified data source to support applications and reports. This team creates and maintains reports for financial and regulatory reporting and has been established as the research reporting lead within the enterprise RAE system. Utilizing a combination of local and enterprise data sources, ORIS can create customized data transformation and reporting solutions for campus groups seeking to better utilize and understand the data associated with grants management.
Desktop and Application Support
The ORIS service desk provides desktop and application support to all research units - including hands-on setup and assistance either in-person or via remote access. The service desk also provides front-line support for application and reporting systems and can guide new members of the research community through the different systems and services that they will encounter while at Ohio State.
Accessibility Evaluations
Ohio State strives to provide seamless access to resources, which requires websites, applications, and other digital assets to undergo an accessibility evaluation. In cases where issues are identified, a remediation process must be followed. ORIS is home to the organizational accessibility coordinator and provides in-depth accessibility evaluations from our certified Accessibility Coordinator. ORIS can work with you to make sure that your purchases and digital products meet the necessary standards.
Security Evaluations
The convenience of cloud services enables many people to access information from anywhere on virtually any device. This convenience, however, comes with the responsibility to ensure that the services we use are properly secure and will not risk Ohio State intellectual property or resources. The ORIS security coordinator can work with you to assess potential cloud tools and guide you through the Ohio State cloud assessment process. If a tool is found to be lacking, ORIS may be able to work with your vendor to implement additional controls to meet Ohio State's security requirements.
How Can We Help?
Access to any ORIS service begins with an email to orhelpdesk@osu.edu or a phone call to 614-688-8288. We will talk to you about your needs and put you in touch with the team member that can best provide a solution. For advanced projects, ORIS will provide a business analyst and project manager to assist with defining your requirements and keeping the project on track.

Get In Touch
The Office of Research Help Desk provides in-person support between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Thursday (Friday is online support only). We can be reached by email orhelpdesk@osu.edu or by phone at 614-688-8288. At this time, in-person service is provided on a per-appointment basis. Contact the help desk to schedule an appointment.
Workday Data Maintenance Window
Daily 5 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.
Core Application and Network Maintenance Window
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. – Midnight
Thursday 7:00 p.m. – Midnight
Emergency Exceptions
Urgent maintenance or changes having a major negative impact on applications, systems, and networks may occur outside defined maintenance windows as needed.
Directions and Map
120A Mount Hall
1050 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210