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Becoming a Principal Investigator

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Principal Investigator (PI) Status Appointments

A principal investigator (PI) is a university employee determined to have the appropriate level of authority and responsibility for the proper conduct of research. When Ohio State submits proposals and accepts awards for extramurally funded sponsored projects, the university assumes significant financial and legal obligations. Although sponsors fund projects based on the professional expertise of the PI submitting proposals, the formal award is made to the university. Under the general oversight and authority of the university, the PI of a project bears primary responsibility for the ethical conduct of research, fiscal stewardship of sponsor funds and for compliance with federal regulations, applicable state and local law and university policies.

Research Scientist Appointments

The university recognizes that outstanding research and scholarship are required to have distinguished undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral training programs. Research scientists and senior research scientists are an important part of the research endeavor of the university. The principal duty of individuals in these positions is to conduct research related to the academic program of the appointing unit(s). The research program may involve students, classified staff, administrative and professional staff and other faculty.

Additional Information

For questions about status appointments contact

Office of Research PI Status

Office of Research PI Status