About Us
The Research Infrastructure and Strategic Initiatives team supports the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge’s ambition to create and sustain dynamic infrastructure and capabilities that drive discoveries and to continuously increase operational excellence enabling shared and individual research and innovation success.
Within ERIK and in partnership with university stakeholders, the team develops strategies, policies and procedures for operational excellence within the spaces and places where research is conducted and supported. The team is responsible for leading campus-wide research space evaluations and planning efforts, including the identification and execution of research-related facilities, construction projects, leases and ERIK’s space governance policies, and capital budget processes.
The team plans, designs and executes ERIK construction and renovation projects, leads building activation and provides oversight and daily management of ERIK-administered buildings or leased spaces. The team manages day-to-day operations, including event requests, within Carmenton’s Pelotonia Research Center and Energy Advancement and Innovation Center, as well as other ERIK-occupied spaces on campus.

Get In Touch
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri.
Urgent Facility Issues
Contact: Service2Facilities
Directions and Map
Pelotonia Research Center
2255 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210