About Us
The mission of the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge research compliance team is to support and promote ethical research practices at The Ohio State University. The team assists with coordinating the development of institution-wide research compliance policies and procedures. It also serves Ohio State's research community by partnering with researchers to ensure that research is conducted in compliance with federal regulations, state and local laws, and university policies.
Ohio State is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). COPE is committed to educating and supporting editors, publishers and those involved in publication ethics with the aim of moving the culture of publishing towards one where ethical practices become a normal part of the publishing culture. Their approach is firmly in the direction of influencing through education, resources and support of their members, alongside the fostering of professional debate in the wider community.
Regulations and Policies
Conflict of Interest
Identify, evaluate, and manage financial conflicts of interest in research to comply with the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy and federal regulations. Work on behalf of the Conflict Approval Committee to provide guidance to researchers about conflict management, and administer the disclosure of outside activities, financial interests, and other relationships in the eCOI application.
Research Misconduct
Administer the university’s research misconduct process and serve as a resource for individuals with questions or concerns about possible research misconduct. Oversee the confidential review and investigation of allegations of research misconduct in proposing, performing, or reviewing science and research, or in reporting results.
Responsible Conduct in Research
Support the research mission of the university by promoting awareness in the best practices for conducting research with integrity and accountability.
Research Data
Oversee the university’s Research Data Policy for preserving research records, specifying the responsibilities and rights for access to, use of, maintenance, transfer, and retention of scientific and research data, and describing the process for disputes in authorship.
Other Areas of Research Compliance
Support the university’s research activities involving the non-therapeutic use of controlled substances; cultivation and processing of hemp, select agents or toxins that may be considered dual use research of concern, and research diving. Advise regarding the proposal and the execution of such research or the development of university programs and policies for compliance with applicable federal regulations and state and local laws.
For issues with Export Control or Research Security, contact the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge secure research team.

Get In Touch
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri.
Directions and Map
120B Mount Hall
1050 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210