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Proposal Development and Submission Roles and Responsibilities

trees and lamp post in front of the Ohio State Library

Proposal development and submission is a collaborative process between principal investigators and their department and college support, and the Office of Sponsored Programs staff. Each party has specific responsibilities in facilitating submission of competitive proposals that comply with sponsor and university requirements.

Principal Investigator

Identify Funding

  • identify funding source
  • review program guidelines

Proposal Preparation

  • prepare technical proposal including:
    • scope of work
    • biosketches
    • other support
    • resources and environment
    • other proposal components required by sponsor
  • identify subcontractors and obtain appropriate documentation, including Ohio State's Subrecipient Letter of Intent
  • identify other administrative requirements e.g., subcontracting plan
  • prepare proposal budget or submit draft to sponsored program officer
  • identify any space requirements and discuss with Department Chair how these needs will be met
  • identify sources of any required cost sharing, including submitting request for central institutional funds if appropriate
  • prepare Authorization to Seek Off Campus Funding form (ePA-005) and obtain all required signatures
  • assemble proposal
  • provide a copy of the proposal to sponsored program officer

Proposal Submission and Sponsor Review

  • prepare and submit necessary human subjects and animal use protocols (some sponsors may require this step to precede proposal submission)
  • prepare responses to sponsor inquiries during review process and provide response to sponsored program officer

Award Acceptance

  • If principal investigator receives award, send immediately to sponsored program officer. Investigators are not authorized to sign or accept awards.

Establishing Projects

If necessary, provide sponsored program officer with information about:

  • how many projects should be established
  • project principal investigators
  • budget for each project
  • expenditure allocation for each project

Award Management

  • proper technical conduct of the research effort
  • compliance with the terms and conditions of the sponsored agreement
  • managing project funds within the approved budget
  • timely completion and submission of required technical reports
  • complying with the all university and sponsor policies and procedures pertinent to the award

Office of Sponsored Programs

Identify Funding

  • clarify program guidelines if necessary
  • assist investigator with obtaining access to sponsor proposal submission systems

Proposal Preparation

  • if the proposal includes subcontracts to other institutions, contact sponsored program office at subcontractor’s institution to request administrative materials
  • provide information and assistance in completing administrative information
  • prepare proposal budget from draft provided
    • review budget – both sponsor and cost shared
  • provide information and guidance on sponsor and university cost sharing requirements
  • review proposal for conformance to sponsor and university requirements
  • determine that protocol information provided is valid
  • determine that principal investigator is in compliance with conflict of interest requirements
  • review PA-005 for appropriate sign offs
  • provide institutional signature, either hard-copy or via submission through an electronic system

Proposal Submission and Sponsor Review

  • transmit any required information to sponsor

Award Acceptance

  • inform principal investigator of receipt of award if it comes to sponsored program officer
  • review award to ensure terms and conditions are appropriate for an academic institution
  • confirm required human subjects and animal protocols are in place
  • negotiate award terms, if necessary and keep principal investigator informed of progress of negotiations, problem language, etc.
  • obtain institutional signature on award, if necessary, and return to sponsor

Establishing Projects

  • establish spending project(s)
  • send email notification to principal investigator, co-investigators and appropriate department and college staff that project has been established and provide information about forms necessary to complete, access to cost share funds, etc.

Award Management

  • Sponsored Programs provides accounting, purchasing, and other administrative services to assist the principal investigators in:
    • managing the financial aspects of their projects
    • obtaining the necessary goods, services, and personnel to conduct the research effort
    • meeting sponsor needs for fiscal reports
  • Sponsored Programs provides financial accounting to sponsors for the activity funded and is subject to federal audit

College and Department

Award Management

Sponsored research is conducted as a college and department function. As such, the departments and colleges associated with an award are expected to monitor its fiscal status and assist the principal investigator in resolving problems. The departments receiving facilities and administrative (F&A) costs return from the award are also responsible for covering any costs incurred beyond the award amount, or any expenditures disallowed as the result of an audit.