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The Office of Research


We are committed to excellence in the frontiers of science, technology and scholarship.

The Office of Research, led by executive vice president for research, innovation and knowledge at Ohio State Dr. Peter Mohler, has responsibility for strategic planning and infrastructure support for the university’s $1.449 billion annual basic and applied research program. This includes responsibility and compliance, laboratory facilities and oversight, and innovative, creative research that spans from the human genome to the chocolate lining of an ice cream cone.


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Integrity and Engagement


Office of Research Vision

The unified voice of research and creative expression for Ohio State

Ohio State’s research and creative expression community is committed to defining and addressing the world’s most pressing challenges through the creation and dissemination of new knowledge. The Office of Research supports, advances and safeguards these research, scholarly and creative pursuits conducted by our faculty, staff and students. We also provide strategic direction and a unified voice for Ohio State’s research interests locally, nationally and internationally.


Leading Innovation, Generating Solutions

The breadth, scope, and excellence of our research programs make Ohio State a leading force of innovation and change – locally, nationally, and globally. Ohio State is one of only a few universities in the U.S. that, in a single location, houses 15 different colleges, including seven health sciences colleges and a college of agriculture.

At Ohio State we have all of the tools that are needed—the creative minds, the expertise, the experience and the world-class facilities—to discover innovative solutions to complex problems.

$1.449 BB

Total research and development (R&D) expenditures

$694.7 MM

Federal R&D expenditures