Ken Waldron is faculty emeritus for mechanical and aerospace engineering. Robert McGhee is former professor with the department of electrical engineering.
Noel Mayo is professor emeritus with Ohio State’s Department of Design and owns Noel Mayo Associates, Inc., the first African-American industrial design firm in the United States.
In 1999, the first use of a minimally invasive heart surgery technique utilizing robotic technology in the United States was performed at The Ohio State University Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital.
Lesley Ferris serves as Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor of theatre at Ohio State and has twice served as department chair. She plans to retire in December 2019.
Chan Park is a professor of Korean language, literature and performance study within the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at Ohio State.
Carl Pollard is professor emeritus of linguistics at Ohio State. He is the co-inventor of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), a generative grammar theory.
Winston Ho is distinguished professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Ohio State and Prabir Dutta is distinguished university professor emeritus for chemistry.