Buck-IRB to Huron IRB transition is currently in progress.
Any urgent updates will be posted here.
All new submissions must include both the SmartForm and the appropriate protocol template found in the Huron IRB system.
Getting Started in the Huron IRB System
Watching the PI and Study Staff training module in BuckeyeLearn is a great way to become familiar with the system before logging in.
Researchers can log into the Huron IRB system by using their Ohio State username (last name.#) and password, and two-factor authentication (e.g., Duo Security).
- The Investigator Manual, found in the Huron IRB system Library, under the General tab, provides a comprehensive overview of the IRB process at Ohio State. Also in the library, researchers can find Standard Operating Procedures (that replace Ohio State's HRRP policies), protocol templates, checklists and worksheets.
- The Huron SmartForm also contains help text (viewed by clicking the "?" icon) that will address questions while completing the application.
- All new submissions must include both the SmartForm and the appropriate protocol template found in the Huron IRB system.
Reviewing Migrated Studies
Step 1: Log into Buck-IRB to see which studies have a status of “Migrated to Huron.” These studies have moved to the Huron IRB system and are now read-only in Buck-IRB.
Step 2: Log into the Huron IRB system by using your Ohio State username (last name.#) and password, and two-factor authentication (e.g., Duo Security) to see the migrated active studies. These studies will retain the same protocol number assigned in Buck-IRB. Only studies migrated from Buck-IRB will be visible in the Huron IRB system. When searching for a study in the Huron IRB system, select the IRB tab, then click the Submissions tab across the top menu bar, then select All Submissions in the dropdown menu.
As a reminder, the following will not migrate to Huron:
- Exempt Studies
- Legacy Studies (studies approved prior to the implementation of Buck-IRB)
- Note: if you would like to keep a legacy study open, you will need to create a new application in the Huron IRB system (see Submitting New Studies).
- Expired/Lapsed Studies
Reminder: Studies initiated in Buck-IRB but not approved by the March 4 cutover have not yet been migrated. These "in-flight submissions," if approved by March 20, will be available in Huron IRB on March 24.
Submitting New Studies
For researchers ready to initiate a new submission in the Huron IRB system, please view the PI and Study Staff training module in BuckeyeLearn to get started. The Huron IRB system submission process is similar to that in Buck-IRB, with both utilizing a SmartForm and protocol templates.
All new submissions must include both the SmartForm and the appropriate protocol template found in the Huron IRB system.
Once in the system, researchers will find resources needed to navigate the IRB process under the library tab. This collection of resources was developed by Huron policy experts and refined to meet Ohio State standards. One of the benefits of the Huron IRB system is that the resources are updated as rules, regulations and procedures change. It is recommended to access the resources through the Huron library instead of downloading and storing them.
Additional resources include Huron User Guides located in the Huron IRB system library.
- New External IRB Studies: For studies where Ohio State is a participating site (pSite), requests to rely on an external IRB should be submitted after the reviewing IRB (sIRB) has approved the study. Complete the New Study SmartForm in the Huron IRB system, indicate that an external IRB will serve as the IRB of record, and attach all requested materials. The PI can submit by clicking the “Submit” activity. Maintain electronic copies of the information submitted to the external IRB in case revisions are required.
- New Ohio State as Single IRB of Record (sIRB) for Multi-site Studies: On the New Study SmartForm, indicate if the study is a multi-site or collaborative research study, then select "Yes" to the question "Will your IRB act as the single IRB of record for other participating sites?" Complete the rest of the SmartForm and attach all required materials. Participating sites are added separately by executing the "Add Participating Site" activity. The PI can submit the SmartForm by clicking the "Submit" activity. The participating sites will not be able to reach final approval (i.e., be declared active) until the Ohio State initial main application is approved.
Who Can Submit New Studies?
At Ohio State, initial applications, modifications and continuing reviews must be personally submitted by the PI. The Huron IRB system does not have a role designated for additional contacts like in Buck-IRB, however, PIs can designate:
- One primary contact, who can access the study and who will receive notifications for each study. The primary contact also can create (but not submit) a submission on behalf of the PI.
- One or more PI proxies, who can perform tasks on their behalf. A PI proxy may submit incomplete responses and responses to IRB modifications.
Note: All co-investigators, key personnel, and PI proxies must comply with institutional requirements (i.e., CITI HSP and RCR courses, and a conflict-of-interest disclosure).
Amendments or Modification Requests
Studies migrated to the Huron IRB system from Buck-IRB that require modifications to the study or information that currently exists in the Buck-IRB application must transition to the new Huron protocol template starting in March 2026. Studies that do not require modifications to the protocol or Buck-IRB information may continue to operate under the existing protocol indefinitely.
To minimize disruptions, study teams can submit multiple modifications to the study, which would gradually transition the Buck-IRB application information and current protocol to the Huron protocol template.
When submitting modifications, complete the Huron IRB system SmartForm and describe the proposed changes. If the modifications:
- only affect information in the Buck-IRB application, complete the relevant sections of the Huron protocol template and/or appendices.
- only affect the currently approved protocol, provide a revised protocol with the proposed changes incorporated.
- affect the same information in both Buck-IRB and the currently approved protocol, revise only the currently approved protocol.
- affect different information in Buck-IRB and the currently approved protocol, follow the guidance for both scenarios 1 and 2 above.
Note: this guidance does not apply to all modifications (e.g., changes to study team members or documents).
It is possible that studies may operate under two protocols: the existing protocol document and the Huron protocol template. Once the Huron protocol sections and appendices have been revised and approved, the corresponding sections of the Buck-IRB application are no longer valid.
Resources for Submitting Studies
All resources needed to navigate the IRB process can be found in the Huron IRB system library, including a Human Research Protection Program (HRRP) toolkit. This toolkit is a collection of resources developed by Huron policy experts and refined to meet Ohio State standards. One of the benefits of the toolkit is that it is updated as rules, regulations and procedures change. It is best to access the resources through the Huron library instead of downloading and storing them.
The resources can be located in the library tab, and contain the following document types:
- Standard Operating Procedures that replaced the Ohio State HRRP policies. These can be used as a reference for study teams, researchers and reviewers, and can be located by title in the library.
- Protocol Templates (including those for biomedical/cancer, social and behavioral sciences, exempt research and secondary research) are to be used by the researcher as a starting point for drafting new protocols. A protocol must accompany the SmartForm when submitting a study.
- The Investigator Manual (under the General tab) contains Ohio State-specific information.
- Checklists are used by IRB reviewers to document regulatory decisions.
- Worksheets are tools for the IRB reviewer, ORRP staff and researchers, and provide guidance for research-related procedures.
A Toolkit Document Crosswalk has been created to help researchers navigate the change from Buck-IRB to the Huron IRB system.
- Principal investigators (PI) and study staff: A brief training is available in BuckeyeLearn that provides an overview of the Huron IRB System. The training is indexed to allow navigation directly to any topic of interest. This training will be updated throughout the transition period with new content added as appropriate.
- IRB Committee members: A brief training is now available for IRB members in BuckeyeLearn. The module provides an overview of the Huron IRB system and a tour of the review process.
Studies That Did Not Initially Migrate to the Huron IRB System
Active studies with in-flight submissions remaining in Buck-IRB and approved between March 4 and March 20 will be migrated to the Huron IRB system beginning March 21. Reminder: exempt, legacy and expired studies will not migrate.
- March 20, 2025: 5 p.m. deadline for last actions on studies by PI or study team in Buck-IRB.
- March 21 – 23, 2025: Buck-IRB will not be accessible. Huron IRB system will go into maintenance mode.
- March 24, 2025: The Huron IRB system is live, and Buck-IRB becomes read-only for all studies. Any pending new study, amendment, or continuing review submission (e.g., incomplete, modifications required, deferred) in Buck-IRB will not be migrated and will need to be resubmitted in the Huron IRB system.
Help and Support
- Technical issues: If you are unable to access the Huron IRB system or information in the Huron IRB system is incorrect or missing, please submit a ticket to the ORIS Help Desk Support.
- Huron Help Center: In addition to the toolkit documents, the Huron IRB system Help Center contains additional materials to help researchers navigate the system.
- Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs have been established and will be updated as necessary to help answer common questions.
- Crosswalk: The previous Ohio State Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) policies have been retired and replaced with Huron toolkit documents. A Toolkit Document Crosswalk has been created to help researchers navigate the change from Buck-IRB to the Huron IRB system.
- Tip Sheets: Tip sheets have been created to help researchers navigate the Huron IRB system, including: Create a New Study; Reportable New Information (formerly Event Reporting); and Respond to a Clarification Request.
- Contact ORRP Staff: Email IRBInfo@osu.edu or schedule office hours for answers to questions about the submission process or procedures. Look for more office hours to be scheduled when the Huron IRB system is live for all IRB studies the week of March 24.