Over the next six weeks, Buck-IRB will be retired, and the Huron IRB system will begin accepting human subjects submissions. Due to the size and complexity of Ohio State’s portfolio of more than 7000 active studies, this transition will occur in two phases.
- March 10: Approved studies with no pending amendments or continuing review submissions in Buck-IRB will be migrated to Huron and will be read-only in Buck-IRB. New studies must now be submitted in the Huron system. Exempt and legacy studies (those approved before Buck-IRB) will not be migrated.
- March 21: All studies approved in Buck-IRB since March 10 will be migrated to Huron and Buck-IRB will become read-only. Any pending new study, amendment, or continuing review submission (e.g., incomplete, modifications required, deferred) in Buck-IRB will not be migrated and will need to be resubmitted in the Huron system.
Researchers should take note of the following key dates and actions to help ease the transition.
- Submit exempt study submissions in Buck-IRB by Feb. 17 or wait until Huron is live.
- Review and update any changes to study team members in Buck-IRB, particularly those no longer affiliated with the study, by March 2.
- Buck-IRB will not be available March 3 – 4 as data is prepared for the conversion to Huron.
- Close out studies in Buck-IRB that are no longer active or are only analyzing deidentified data by March 21.
- Check back often on the Research Administration Platforms Transition webpage as further information, training, and resource guides will be finalized and available soon.
Research Team Training Available
A brief training is now available for PIs and study staff on BuckeyeLearn. This training provides an overview of the Huron IRB system for Principal Investigators and Study Staff. The training is indexed to allow you to navigate directly to the page of interest to you. This training will be updated throughout the transition period with new content added as appropriate.
IRB Member Training Available
Training is now available for IRB members on BuckeyeLearn. The module provides an overview of the Huron system and a tour of the review process, but is also beneficial for researchers to review.
The transition from Buck-IRB to Huron will provide an improved investigator interface, investigator tools and an increased transparency of the review processes for your studies. Look for more information about the Huron system over the coming weeks and months, including training opportunities to help navigate the new system.
Learn more about the transition to Huron Systems. Questions about the IRB transition? Email IRBInfo@osu.edu.
Research Administration Platforms Transition
Ohio State will be transitioning to the Huron Research Suite to support and facilitate several research administration functions over the next few years. The system is used widely and provides one, integrated, comprehensive research administration solution across multiple areas of ERIK-managed research activities.