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Updates to the Authorization to Seek Off-Campus Funding (ePA-005) Form

In order to provide support to researchers early in the funding process and ensure proper review and compliance with university policies and processes, the Authorization to Seek Off-Campus Funding (ePA-005) has been expanded to collect additional information and clarify responsibilities. 

Foreign Affiliations

All Yes responses to question 2 (Is this a federal sponsor or a subproject supported by federal funds?) will require additional information about foreign affiliations from each investigator listed in question 4A when signing the form. The International Engagement Team will be notified and follow up with investigators if necessary. 


Question 6 (Does this project involve any of the following compliance areas?) has added the following new items: Infectious Agents; Select Biological Agents and Toxins; and Dual Use Research of Concern. Any Yes response will generate notifications to the appropriate compliance area to provide assistance to investigators as necessary.

Statement of Responsibility

The investigators’ section has been updated to clarify that these certifications include all investigators named on the form, that possible penalties for false certifications include penalties under university policies and rules, and include the responsibility of submitting required progress reports to the award sponsor. The administrative signers’ section is updated to assert that these signers confirm the investigators listed on the form have the appropriate authority to oversee the research in the proposal and clarify responsibility for disallowed costs or over-expenditures.