As Ohio State continues to expand its role in the commercialization of research, it is important to create an environment that facilitates and rewards research creativity and entrepreneurship. To support and stimulate entrepreneurial activity among Ohio State researchers, several university-wide awards were presented on April 24, 2019, at the Research and Innovation Showcase hosted by the Office of Research and Corporate Engagement Office.

Tim Raderstorf (middle) receives the Early Career Innovator of the Year award presented by Scott Osborne (left) Morley Stone (right).
Innovator of the Year
Tim Raderstorf, MSN, RN
Chief Innovation Officer
College of Nursing
Tim Raderstorf is the Chief Innovation Officer in the College of Nursing. He is the first nurse to hold this academic title in the United States and works to educate the nation on the role of the nurse as an innovator and entrepreneur. In 2017, he founded The Innovation Studio, a makerspace/incubator that provides interprofessional healthcare teams with the tools and mentorship needed to turn ideas into actions. Outside of Ohio State, Raderstorf is the founder of Quality Health Communications and co-author of Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare: A Practical Guide for Success. He received his BS in humanistic medicine from Ohio State, his MS in nursing from Xavier University and is completing his doctor of nursing practice at Ohio State.
Download a high-res image of Tim Raderstorf receiving the award
The Innovator of the Year and Early Career Innovator of the Year awards recognize Ohio State researchers who are actively working to promote commercialization of university intellectual property, through invention disclosures filed, patents applied for and/or received, technologies licensed or spin-off companies formed. The creation of separate categories for more established researchers and for early career researchers allows cultivation of an entrepreneurial spirit among all of our investigators.