The Huron IRB system is now live.
For details on navigating the IRB process at Ohio State, visit our transition page for the latest information.
Investigators and study personnel should be familiar with the following policies that relate to human subject protection. Ohio State username (lastname.#) login is required to view or download policies.
Human Research Protections at Ohio State
IRB Submission and Review of Research
Study Procedures and Ongoing Research Considerations
- Recruiting Methods, Recruitment Materials, and Participant Compensation
- Privacy and Confidentiality
- Informed Consent Process and the Elements of Informed Consent
- Documentation of the Informed Consent Process
- Assent and Parental Permission
- Short Form Informed Consent
- Data and Safety Monitoring
- Event Reporting – Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others, Adverse Events, and Other Problems
Special Types of Research
- Research Involving Investigational Drugs
- Research Involving Medical Devices
- Research Involving Data and/or Biospecimens
- Planned Emergency Research
- Emergency Use of Investigational Drugs, Biologics, or Devices
- Collaborative and Multi-site Research
- Research Involving Radiation
- Additional Requirements for Clinical Research: ICH-GCP
- Additional Requirements for Research Sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD)
- Additional Human Subjects Protection Requirements Based on Federal Agency Funding