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NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Funding Opportunity Information Session

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March 05, 2025


1:00 p.m.



ERIK’s Research Development Team will hold a virtual information session to share information about the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, with the goal of facilitating a call for ideas for teams interested in it.

NIAC, part of the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), fosters cutting-edge science ideas that sound borderline science fiction but have the potential to become impactful new technologies. It encourages high creativity, high risk, and open-ended concepts that may have potential for high rewards. NIAC is open to ideas from all disciplines that are technically credible and have clear potential impact for transforming future NASA missions.

NIAC is implemented through three multiple progressive phases of study. Phase I efforts are up to 9 months and $175K and explore overall project viability. Phase II efforts are up to 2 years and $600K and are focused on developing a roadmap for further development of the proposed technology. Phase III awards are up to 2 years and $2M and focus on continuing technology development and strategically transitioning concepts. We anticipate the next round of Phase I opportunities to be released in early summer (~ June 2025).

Questions? Please contact Stephanie Buehler or Renee Ripley.
