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Department of Molecular Genetics

Molecular Genetics Seminar Series

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September 18, 2024
4:10 p.m.

Lazenby Hall #021

Dr. Andrew Storfer, Eastlick Distinguished Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University will be here to discuss, “The devil is in the detail: coevolutionary genomics of Tasmanian devils and a transmissible cancer”.

Dr. Storfer’s research examines how diseases evolve and spread by investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying host-pathogen coevolution. His primary focus is the Tasmanian devil and devil facial tumor disease (DFTD), a unique transmissible cancer that serves as a model for understanding cancer evolution in humans. Through an interdisciplinary approach encompassing molecular genomics, phylodynamics, and eco-evolutionary modeling, Dr. Storfer investigates the roles of selection, migration, mutation, and genetic drift on devil-tumor evolution and coevolution. At WSU, he has collaborated with molecular biologists, cancer biologists, evolutionary biologists, ecologist, population and evolutionary genomicists, and mathematical modelers to advance our understanding of these processes and their implications for both natural systems and human health.

Questions? Please contact Rachel Belote