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Research Responsibilities and Compliance

Laboratory Self-Assessment for IACUC Approved Activities

This self-assessment is intended to be used periodically as a tool to assist researchers in identifying and evaluating the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approved activities performed. Also, it may be used when preparing for inspections including semi-annuals. 

Self-guided Assessment

Protocol and Personnel

  • Study team members performing activities have read the approved IACUC protocol to assure that activities are consistent with the protocol and early removal criteria is applied
  • Study team members have access to the protocol and listed as key personnel
  • Study team members are aware of approved amendments made to the IACUC protocol
  • Study team members performing IACUC activities are properly trained and training is documented
  • Animal study team requirements are up to date in the IACUC protocol including the experience and training narrative, if needed mandatory safety training is up to date (ie. Environmental Health and Safety, Biosafety, Radiation Safety, specific research safety training)

Health and Safety

  • Personnel have updated their Occupational Health Registry as needed (i.e. for changes related to species, allergies, and exposure to hazards)
  • Study team members are knowledgeable in the safety procedures associated with the IACUC protocol; familiar with the use of the appropriate protective clothing and other applicable safety apparatus when working with animals
  • Study team members are knowledgeable about the use of the Animal Hazard Safety Protocol (AHSP) and notify University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR) of using hazardous agents when applicable
  • Appropriate signage is visible when entering a laboratory (i.e. radiation, biohazards, chemicals, animal biosafety level (ABSL)) and cages are properly marked for potential hazards when used
  • Sharp containers and hazardous waste disposal is being properly used
  • Gas cylinders are properly secured

Animal Care Procedures

  • All personnel are aware of the available emergency contact numbers including how to contact a ULAR clinical veterinarian(s) and/or building coordinator when appropriate
  • Study team members are aware of the ULAR animal facility procedures and follow them
  • All personnel are familiar with the procedures for reporting animal concerns and unanticipated outcomes
  • Euthanasia method used corresponds with the IACUC protocol including the appropriate confirmation of death following the euthanasia method

Housing Location Areas

  • Locations where animals are being housed is approved by the IACUC; ≤ 12 hours for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and ≤ 24 hours for Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) covered animals
  • All animals are observed daily including weekends and holidays for general health, food and water supply
  • Housing logs are complete and records are maintained
  • Food stored in sealed container with date of expiration, mill date, and type of feed
  • Aquatic facilities use a proper biofilter and maintain water quality measurements

Physical Plant and Procedure Areas

  • Locations where animals are being used is approved by the IACUC
  • Locations are organized, free of clutter, and clean
  • Storage areas for supplies are organized and clean (i.e. chemicals and other hazardous materials, surgical instruments etc.)
  • Cage cards are consistent with the procedures on the IACUC protocol including PI and protocol number
  • Specialized equipment is clean and maintained. Manual sanitization of primary enclosures are monitored and biological measures validated on semiannual basis
  • Surfaces are smooth and impervious to moisture

Analgesic, Anesthesia or Drugs

  • Only the analgesics and anesthesia listed in the IACUC protocol are being used at the proper dose, route, and frequency
  • Pharmaceutical or veterinary grade agents are used; exceptions to use non-pharmaceutical grade agents is approved in the IACUC protocol
  • Anesthetized animal(s) are monitored according to the IACUC protocol and policies Animals are maintained at an appropriate depth of anesthesia
  • Anesthetic machines are equipped with a gas-scavenging system
  • Anesthetic machines are serviced, validated, calibrated, and in date for use
  • All diluted drugs or chemical reagents in secondary containers are properly labeled; name, final concentration, date of expiration, and diluent if applicable
  • All drugs including controlled substances, injectable fluids, and medical materials are within the labeled expiration date
  • Expired medical materials are labeled, segregated, and discarded in accordance with all relevant institutional, local state, and federal requirements
  • Controlled substance drugs are stored properly (secure), labeled with the expiration date, and records are complete

Surgery Techniques and Procedures

  • Aseptic technique is being used for survival surgery (i.e. sterile instruments, gloves, drapes, and surgical site including clean surfaces)
  • Proper autoclave sterilization procedures are used (i.e. storage, use of chemical control indicators and tape for packs) and all materials are within the visible expiration date Disinfectant/sterilization procedures are appropriate for the recommended exposure time Animal is surgically prepped in an area separate from the surgery location
  • Appropriate sterile material is used to close the incision and removed in accordance to the IACUC protocol and policies
  • Animal is recovered and monitored in accordance to the IACUC protocol and policies Post-surgical or post-procedural care is given and documented in accordance to the IACUC protocol and policies

Additional Information

Contact the IACUC Office if you have any questions or require additional guidance.