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Knowledge Development and Discovery

Interdisciplinary Innovation Team Development Award funding RFAs open

A Request for Applications is now open for the Office of Knowledge Enterprise’s Interdisciplinary Innovation Team Development Award. This team development seed funding mechanism offered as part of BIIG Collaborations, a program that helps researchers overcome traditional silos and conquer barriers to interdisciplinary research.

These awards provide financial and programmatic support to Ohio State faculty as they explore exciting ideas for interdisciplinary collaboration, form unified and effective teams, and prepare to launch novel research agendas positioned for future extramural funding.

Awarded teams will receive up to $5,000 to fund proposed team formation activities as well as access to a series of team development support and resources from OKE, including guided workshops from a team science expert and consultation with OKE Research Development Office staff to enhance and shape the strategic funding potential of their research ideas.

Learn more, download the full RFA and application template. Applications are due November 18.