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Grant treatment worktag required on patient care costs, international travel, and alternations and renovations expenses

If a purchase on a grant involves patient care costs, international travel, or alternations and renovations, the transaction must include the grant worktag and grant treatment worktag. The grant treatment worktag is necessary for the transaction to map to the correct object class. This is true for either a requisition or spend authorization.

Grant treatment worktags can be added in the additional worktag drop down menu on applicable transactions.

The grant treatment worktag is used in addition to the spend category when a spend category maps to two separate object classes. For example, “Hotels and Lodging (SC10736)” will map to domestic travel by default but will map to foreign travel if the grant treatment worktag “Travel-Foreign (GT104)” is present. In the case of patient care, the spend category “Medical Research Services (SC10550)” maps to the purchased services object class by default and will map to patient care if the grant treatment “Patient Care Costs (GT102)” is present.

Use the following grant treatment worktag (GT#) when appropriate for the respective purchases:

  • Patient Care Costs (GT102)
  • Travel – Foreign (GT104)
  • Alterations and Renovations (GT106)

Contact Office of Sponsored Programs for additional information.