Dorothy Scott (1903 – 1993) served as the director of the School of Home Economics and as associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at The Ohio State University from 1955 – 1968. Scott earned both her undergraduate degree in education in 1926 and her masters in Home Economics Education in 1929 from Ohio State. Joining faculty at Ohio State in 1937, she became a role model for women students with her efforts to push for women’s rights in the workforce.
She advocated for changed in curriculum in light of women combining employment outside of the traditional home roles as wives and mothers. Dr. Scott also supported higher roles for women faculty members at Ohio State and promoted innovative research and outreach programs to serve women in Ohio and beyond. She used her leadership skills as an active member of multiple professional organizations including the American and Ohio Home Economics Associations, American and Ohio Vocational Associations, National Education Association, American Association of University Professors, National and Ohio Family Life Council, and the International Federation for Home Economics.