Chan Park is a professor of Korean language, literature and performance study within the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at Ohio State.
In 2014, bolstered by Dr. Sungkyu Chris Lee’s visionary support*, Park launched the Korean Performance Research Program to promote research, publication, workshops, performance, and outreach. In the fall of 2019, the program celebrated the 6th Korean Wind & Stream performance event under the title, A Taste of Korean Music and Storytelling. The series promotes multi-venue collaboration and border-crossing, including the National Center for Traditional Korean Performing Arts, Korean Literature Translation Institute, and the artists from around the world and across culture. The performative experience offers Ohio State students a unique understanding of Korean language and culture. Over the last few decades, Park has performed Korean storytelling and instrumental music in dozens of venues around the United States and the world.
* Dr. Lee is a retired clinical assistant professor from Ohio State’s Department of Radiology. He provided a transformational gift to make Ohio State’s Korean studies programs among the top programs in the country by advancing research funding, creating internships and expanding partnerships.